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Why big change is hard and how to hack the transition code

For years I’ve been working with expats on creating change and smooth transitions, and it’s something I absolutely love. As a person who will never stop learning, I always keep my eyes open for new ways to learn, grow and help others do the same. So a few months ago I got a question from a non-expat in my community around personal change and how he could create the step by step change I helped my expat clients with, but in his career. Change is something we all have to deal with sometimes and it can be very difficult for anyone who is changing jobs, leaving a long relationship or embarking upon any big change in their life.

So I started to ask myself “Why is it that some people manage change easily and effortlessly whereas for others it’s scary and almost impossible?”. How come most of us procrastinate for so long and think “I’ll deal with it later“? Because most of the time later never seems to arrive. Funny that, huh!

I got to work to put together all the things I’ve learnt while coaching endless clients and studying human behavior over the past few years. Because it takes time to learn about change, but most people don’t have the time to do all the reading, listening, work-shopping and consuming of resources that it takes. And I boiled it down to 2 key things that always seems to hold us back from creating change (both in our career and life in general):

  • Clarity on what you want instead: If you’re anything like me and most of my clients, you probably know exactly what you don’t want. This is helpful in terms of decision making, but gives little guidance on setting a clear goal or target to aspire to. How can you determine what it is that you want instead? That’s the first key component I built into my transition program.
  • How to go about it: When you have an idea of what you want it gets even scarier. This is when you know that the rubber needs to hit the road and you need to start doing stuff. But what do you need to do, in what order and what help is available? Most of us crave certainty and that’s why so many people stay stuck for way longer than they need to. So I constructed the steps needed to get the step by step certainty we all need in order to start taking action in a clear direction.

In my FREE online webinar next week I will be sharing my insider tips with you on how to start creating change, especially around your career and finding that real purpose of what you were meant to do. The webinar is held online so you can listen in for free via phone, smartphone, tablet or computer), and we’ll cover:

  • The 3 biggest learnings that has come up time and time again in my work creating and facilitating personal change for lots of clients during the past few years
  • My story and how I went from depressed and stuck in a dead end job to working with change and life transitions
  • The 6 simple steps to follow and get started on finding your mission

The biggest thing that helped me through my crappy situation a few years ago is that I dared to asked the right people for help and made sure to get ongoing support along the way. I accepted the fact that I can’t know everything (that was a hard one for me!) and if I knew how to do better on my own, I would have already done it. Every single person is unique and this should always be respected, yet somehow we tend to run into very similar challenges in life. What most of us desperately want is a solid framework to help us take those uncomfortable steps, learn the things we need to bring with us and avoid any overwhelm on the way. So that’s what I’ve created for you or anyone you know who are in that situation right now.

Make sure to register for the free webinar on Wednesday 28 September at 7:30 pm (Melbourne time, AEST) where I’ll share these with you. If you’re not based in Melbourne and feel unsure what time that is for you, check it via this link.


PS: If you haven’t already, make sure to join our community on Facebook and check out Expat TV on YouTube.