Podcast interview with Louise Hopkin

In this wonderful chat with Louise Hopkin, she shares her take on how you can find your own way when you’re the odd one out in your family and dare to try a range of different careers and never feeling like you quite belong in one specific profession.
Her career path from hospitality and travel via small business ownership to the corporate world is full of courage, vulnerability and inspiration. We also unpack what it really takes to simply take one step at a time to unlock what’s next and how she landed in her passion of helping people organise their home and get rid of clutter!
Some of the things we cover:
➡ What to do when you’re asking “what’s wrong with me?”
➡ How a career fits into the rest of your life
➡ Using self-talk to improve your own situation
➡ Being honest with yourself, especially when it’s hard
To listen in simply search for ‘Career-Defining Moments’ where you get your podcasts or click below!