Last week I had the pleasure of working at a cycling challenge event a few hours north of Melbourne. The cyclists took on 3 epic climbs over a very long day and a within a challenging deadline. Now you might ask what this has to do with relocation. Well, as it turns out, challenges tend to have a lot in common!
As I talked to the cyclists about their amazing achievement at the finish line, I started to notice some key themes. Interestingly enough, it’s the same type of challenge many people face when they move countries.
When you struggle up the hill towards your goal (relocation or other goals), it all comes down to what you tell yourself. Successful people fill their mind with support, resourceful thinking and opportunity. ‘I can do it!‘ Even if it’s hard sometimes, you need to believe that you can do this, no matter what challenges are thrown your way.
One of the cyclists told me about a ride he did a few years ago. In diagonal hail storm and with a puncture on both tyres. He still got up the hill. Because he truly believed it was possible AND he found the strength within to keep going. Pretty cool I reckon!
Its not just about the day you fly out or take on the new challenge, it’s about all the things you did before that day. How you prepared, how you stuck to your routine and kept true to your mission. No one else can do this for you. It’s all down to your dedication to follow through for what you believe in.
Get support from the right people, but be ready to keep walking, planning and thinking on step at a time to reach your goal!
When you come across the finish line or land on the other side, you’ll want to share your experience. Hug a loved one, share a smile with a stranger, pay a fellow cyclist/traveller on the back. Achievement always magnifies when it’s shared!
The global travel and expat community is so friendly and helpful, so there is always someone in a place near you that you can connect with and celebrate with! Just reach out through social media and other channels and you’ll find them.