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Expat insights – the travel cycle

I was talking to a good friend the other day about how travelling and moving far away tends to work in circles. It was a great conversation about all the highs and lows that I bet you can identify with as well if you’ve ever moved far away.

How it tends to work:

  1. Travel almost always starts with glitter. You know that excitement, plans and hopes. The new and amazing opportunities that await.
  2. At some point the glitter turns into sweat as you work hard, save up, plan and wade through the paperwork and organising. Not to mention the hard work of packing up your life in bags and boxes.
  3. It then seems to change back to that magical glitter as you’re finally on your way and see the first taste of what the new adventure really holds.
  4. For most people this is when the glitter turns into shiny drops of tears. For the people you miss, the things that went wrong and the hopes you had that were not quite met.

But that’s also the turning point. Because when the tears have been cried something new emerges. It’s beyond adventure glitter on the surface. More like a shine from within. It arrives when you stand at the top of the hill looking down on that strange and winding path that brought you here. Where you can clearly see that it was all worth it and also understand why things happened the way they did. It’s those moments when you’re filled with immense pride and joy and allow it to shine out from every fibre of your being.

That’s perhaps when you turn around and look over at the next valley. You notice how it glitters and your next adventure awaits. And you can’t help but laugh, because the next travel circle has already begun. Now all you have to do is keep moving.

How do you think about your moves? Are they circles or more linear?

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