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An hour of power

Most people say it takes a long time to create powerful change. I would agree that it takes time to implement it, but it does not take long to get started.

Over the past few weeks I’ve heard loads of people say “I just want to make it through to Christmas“. I realise this is a busy time of year for most of us, but I know this is not the thinking that will help us create amazing things for the year to come.

There is a time and place for rest, so make sure to allow space for it. What you might find though during those quieter moments is that your mind and ego wakes up and starts thinking about next year. Maybe even questioning if you’re doing the right thing in your career and life.

An hour is all it takes to get started. If you are ready for a new job in 2018 and would like to invest an hour of your time to get started, I would like to invite you to my FREE online event on Tuesday 19 December at 8 pm (AEST, UTC+10).

What you’ll get:

  • A big boost of energy, inspiration and ideas!
  • 5 key steps to start with to land a better job in 2018
  • The checklist of questions to think about (maybe while you’re digesting that beautiful holiday meal and your mind wanders)

Make sure to secure your spot here, and if you cant attend live, make sure to register anyway so I can send you the recording after the call!

If last week’s post about showing up resonated with you, I can highly recommend you join us at the online event. Showing up and making time for you and your future is key to how your next year is going to unfold.