Why do we love mid-career transitions?
Life is too short to stay stuck in the wrong (work)place!
About The Bridge Coaching

As an adult you’ll spend roughly 90,000 hours working (that does not include commuting and lunch breaks!). How would you like to spend that time?
Is it even possible to truly love what you do? Heck yes it is! I believe that your career is certainly not the only important thing in your life, but considering how much time you spend at work, why not make sure it’s enjoyable, challenging and meaningful for you?
Emmy and The Bridge Coaching help you take stock, move forward and find your professional flow regardless what industry you are currently in (we have worked 1:1 with clients across many different industries including education, engineering, healthcare, hospitality, marketing and many more). You’ll find the core values of integrity, action taking, responsibility and having fun in all the coaching programs, because it can be both fun and rewarding to (re)invest in yourself and YOUR career path!
Our career building programs and individual career coaching are all designed to build career plans, position yourself well, take action and see results.
Hi, I’m Emmy Petersson.
I’m a career coach and minimalist with a love of travel and adventure. I don’t like to see valuable time and energy go to waste, which includes people spending months or years in a role or organisation that’s not right for them.
That’s why I am SO passionate about helping mid-career professionals just like you unlock what’s next in their career to truly enjoy and connect with the value they add. I also love working with organisations to help train and support their team members to grow and align their career path.
I’m a certified coach who has worked with people in transition between career changes, countries or challenging life situations since 2013.
I’ve enjoyed a varied career of different roles myself and know first hand how rewarding it is when you find the place that’s right for you.

Let’s help you move forward from here!

Individual Career Coaching
Know you need to change things up, but not clear on what you need or how to make it happen? 1:1 coaching helps build a career plan based on your values, skills and strengths.

CV and Linked In Profile Optimisation
Know that you need to update your CV and Linked In profile, but feeling flat on energy and inspiration? I help you update your professional profile so you can position strongly for new career opportunities.

1:1 Life Coaching
& Support
Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start? I can help you look at both your career situation plus overall life and schedule to re-prioritise and get back on track with a life you enjoy.