Are you a ‘list maker’? So many people are, especially when it comes to a relocation. Because once you’ve made the decision to go and are clear on your WHY it’s time to tackle the HOW.
Naturally we don’t want to miss anything important (or risk looking unprepared) so when most people get to this part they start writing very long lists of everything they must remember to do. Before you know it, that list is ridiculously long and even though it feels good to have written it down, you may start to question if this move was such a good idea after all.
After working with many people before and during a big move, I’ve noticed that there are a few simple ways to make this process easier.
- Create separate lists/’buckets’ for the different areas. Most of us work best when we chunk similar tasks together, so having a giant ‘to do’ list is not helpful. Start by defining the key areas you’ll have to deal with (new accommodation, flights, insurance, migration/visa, schools, finance, old accommodation). Once you have these ‘buckets’ clear to you, start doing the big brain dump of bullet point items per area. Some things might have slight overlap, but you’ll find that most things have a natural ‘home’ on one list only. Some people find it helpful to have ‘theme days’ where they spend time on the separate areas. For example: Tuesday evening’s after work might be when you research accommodation in the new place and Thursday mornings before work could be your migration research time. There is no exact rule, so create a system that helps you!
- Allocate rough timings to the different things on your lists. Most people in transition ‘just want to have it all sorted‘, but it’s actually impossible to have everything done at the same time. In business we often talk about ‘urgent & important’ vs. ‘important’. All things will need to get done, but you need to roll these things out over time like any other project. Look at the things that are urgent and important first and get clarity on these before you move on to the next thing.
- Get clear on the ‘must know’ vs. the ‘good to know’. Do you need to know what mobile phone plans are available in the new place 6 months before you get there? Probably not. Would it be good to know? Yes. Look through your list of items to do and be realistic about what you have to know before you go and what sort of things are ‘good to know’ bonus things (if you can’t get to them, you can sort it once you get there).
- Be honest about the ‘do not do list’. Sometimes the ‘do not do list’ is way more important than the to do list! If you have a big move ahead there will be a few things you can’t spend as much time on anymore. You may need to cut back on some family engagements, volunteering or other things for a short while so you can focus on the things that matter most right now. Many of my clients feel a bit guilty around this part and that’s fine. The key is communication and being clear on why you are parking/stepping back on a few things for a little while. Believe me, people will understand!
If you or someone you know is heading out for a big move, they may find our Online Relocation Kick Start Program a helpful and affordable way (only $99) to get started with some of these things!