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Time and connection for expats

I’ve just come back from a fantastic holiday in Europe. Catching up with my family that I had not seen for over a year. Meeting my little nephew for the first time. Reconnecting with a dear friend and travel buddy (who I travelled all around Australia with back in 2010). I had not seen her for over 4 years, but it felt like yesterday I hugged her goodbye as she was leaving Australia.

Time is such a tricky thing. It gets away from us. Life gets in the way and work and other things cloud our minds. All of a sudden a month, a year or a decade has passed. And even though we often find that more things than we thought has happened, we also often realize that we are not closer those dreams we have, because we forgot to work or walk towards them. We made it the problem of future us to solve and kept procrastinating what we really wanted.

Many of my clients come to me to find the courage to take that first step and follow their dream to live overseas. Overwhelmed by the things to organize and all the way doubting if it’s worth it. The one thing they all have in common is the urgency. That it’s time. Time to stop waiting and start doing. Time to let this month, year and decade be a one where we are present. In our choices, plans and actions. Because unless you’re willing to go the extra mile, you won’t get there.

Meeting my family and my friend reminded me of what time means for me. That my number one priority in this world is to choose how much time I can spend with the ones that matter most to me and create a life that allows and encourages travel both home and far away. That quality is always worth more to me than quantity. How much love and fun you can have in only a few days. How the commitment to what I choose to do with my time is always mine to make. And the opportunity to reconnect when I get lost.

If you feel a bit lost on your way I’ve designed an online program to break down the whole process for you. 5 steps to your life in a new place or overseas or back to what you once called home. Sounds too simple? Try the program and if you’re not happy we give you 100%  of your money back. Now isn’t that a no-brainer? 🙂